Reparando un antiguo joystickRepairing an old joystick

Como muchos saben, tengo una afición por equipos Apple antiguos, en especial la Apple //c. Recientemente encontré a buen precio un joystick fabricado por Apple específicamente para la //c, que tiene la particularidad de ser color platino en… Read More

Más sobre emuladores Apple II en iPad

Hace poco escribí sobre el emulador para iOS Best of FTA. Resulta que la AppStore deicidio quitar la aplicación, y sincronizando mi iPad iTunes automáticamente removió la aplicación de mi dispositivo.

Proyecto Apple //c terminado

I can finally say that I have completed my project. Now, to enjoy it. Actually still want to buy a color monitor and an external 3.5 disk, but I think to use that you’ll be able to give,… Read More

El disco externo

While working on my retro project of an Apple //c, I found that this particular model had some peripherals created around the original design. These include a monitor, joystick, mouse and external drive. Among the latter the 5… Read More

Nuevo proyecto: Apple //c

For some time I have been into the ‘retro’: emulators for computers I had in the past, like the TI-99/4A, my first computer, which had connected to a cassette recorder to store my programs in basic. After that… Read More